Behind the Scenes of Reality TV: How Atlanta is Overtaking Los Angeles

Behind the Scenes of Reality TV: How Atlanta is Overtaking Los Angeles

The Reality TV industry has been a staple of television for decades, providing viewers with entertainment, drama, and a glimpse into the lives of others. However, the current state of the industry is causing concern for fans and industry professionals alike.

As an industry insider, There are rumors of slow activity and budget cuts affecting the industry. Many production companies and networks are reportedly moving production to Atlanta for tax credit and cheaper production rates, leaving the Los Angeles Casting Community in a bind.

While the decision to move production to Atlanta may seem like a logical move for the industry, it has created challenges for casting. With a smaller population in the Atlanta area, finding solid talent for these shows has become increasingly difficult. This, in turn, has created a ripple effect that is felt throughout the industry.

As someone who has covered the industry for years, I believe that the Casting Community is an essential part of the Reality TV industry. Without their expertise, finding the right talent for these shows would be nearly impossible. It is vital that production companies and networks do all they can to keep them employed and the business moving forward.

Furthermore, the decision to move production to Atlanta should not be made at the expense of the Casting Community. Instead, the industry should focus on finding new and innovative ways to keep the Casting Community engaged and employed.

One solution could be to expand casting efforts beyond Atlanta and across the United States. This would not only give the Casting Community more opportunities but also provide production companies and networks with a larger pool of talent to choose from.

In conclusion, the current state of the Reality TV industry has created challenges for the Casting Community, and it is crucial that production companies and networks do all they can to keep them employed and the business moving forward. By expanding casting efforts and finding new and innovative ways to engage the Casting Community, we can ensure that the industry remains vibrant and successful for years to come.